Most of you may know who we are. Some of you may not.
So this page is dedicated to helping you get to know us
just a little bit better! So here is our story!
This is us.
I am Tater1228 ,the blue wolf, and my
partner in crime in Lightningstar60 ,the orange wolf,
(Duh Tater that is the only other wolf in the picture)
Lightning and I are real life best friends. We pretty
much do everything together. And "everything" used
to be just playing Aniaml Jam all day :P Now a days we
can't just play Animal Jam :( Joys of growing up I guess..
Lightning was the one who introduced me to Animal
Jam and I was hooked right away after that!
can't just play Animal Jam :( Joys of growing up I guess..
Lightning was the one who introduced me to Animal
Jam and I was hooked right away after that!
We had many fun times of trading items, hanging
out with buddies and leading our pride and joy...
Storm pack! Oh how I love those memories...Anyways,
out with buddies and leading our pride and joy...
Storm pack! Oh how I love those memories...Anyways,
later in our Animal Jam journey I met a friend
named Herber. Herber is the one who got us
interested in making a blog. She had a blog of her
own, which was amazing, and that was when I
began to want to make a blog as well! So she helped
own, which was amazing, and that was when I
began to want to make a blog as well! So she helped
us get started with this blog! Which I am very greatful for! :)
And now this blog has become pretty popular and
I am just so grateful for all of our followers! I don't
know what we would do with out you guys! :)
I know this wasn't much information..
I am just so grateful for all of our followers! I don't
know what we would do with out you guys! :)
I know this wasn't much information..
But its the important stuff! If you guys want
a more detailed page about Lightning and I
Let us know below!
a more detailed page about Lightning and I
Let us know below!
Heh so yeah.
Jam On Jammers!
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